Emergencies |
All Emergencies |
107 (from landline) / 112 (from a mobile line) |
Fire / Ambulance |
10177 |
Police |
10111 / 021 467 8000 |
CCID (24Hrs) |
082 415 7127 |
City of Cape Town |
0860 103 089 |
St Martini Gardens |
Building Manager |
021 424 7529 (office hours only) |
Security desk |
062 733 1193 (Also on WhatsApp) |
Please inform Building Manager or Security about lift faults |
Angor (office hours) |
087 006 0011 |
Services at SMG |
Laundry |
021 689 8764 / 082 573 2799 |
Taxi (Gary) |
072 246 7018 |
Other services (These are reputable contactors who are familiar with St Martini Gardens) |
Plumbers |
Grubbs Plumbing |
071 569 1111 – Michael |
Gilbert Plumbers |
021 462 1115 |
WDS (Toilet & sewerage blockages only) |
082 461 1345 |
Geyser claim call centre |
0860 ST CARE (0860 782273) |
Locksmith |
Key Boutique |
021 424 5877 (All hours 073 180 2487) |
Locksmith Cape Town |
021 300 7750 (After hours 083 229 0331) |
AAA Locksmiths |
021 425 9966 (All hours) |
DSTV/TV signal/ decoders |
Sirens |
083 285 7271 |
Electrician |
Stanley Bennet |
082 536 9441 |
Glass |
Brian’s Glass |
021 448 0288 (Emergency 078 793 6673) |
Glassmen |
021 422 1822 |
Internet |
Please contact your service provider |
Pest control |
Sure Pest |
082 386 6055 (Kurk) |
Residents who call service providers are responsible for settling accounts. |