Residents’ Information

DSC01320The Residents’ Guide has been developed by the Trustees in order to provide useful information and an overview of the rules that are in place to ensure that every resident can maximise the enjoyment of their stay in St Martini Gardens. This should be read in conjunction with the formal SMG Conduct Rules for the complex that have been approved by the Body Corporate in terms of the Sectional Titles Act. These are available from the Downloads page

Owners and their agents are responsible for informing their tenants of these rules, and tenants are bound by them whether or not these rules are included in their accommodation agreement or lease.

Access Control
To maintain a high level of security in the block, strict access controls are in place. All new residents need to purchase an access tag from the manager: they should complete a Residents information form which is available from the Downloads page and provide a lease or a letter from the flat owner to show that they have the right to live in the building. Access tags are issued to a specific person; if a tag is used by another person then it may be disabled.

There is step-free access to A block and the garden from the B block garage entrance. Please ask the Building Manager for an access tag, and Security for assistance at any time.

Who do I call when I have a problem? Refer to the St Martini Gardens Help Chart

All incidents and complaints should be reported in writing to ensure appropriate investigation and action: the Incident Report Form on the Downloads page may be used.

Residents’ Notice-board

Internet options

SMG has an open access fibre connection to the internet installed by Octotel. The ISPs who are associated with Octotel can be found at

Connected Space has installed infrastructure for their services. They have a microwave link from SMG to their nearest node and the connection to a flat is fibre. Current offers are on their website:

Please note that neither SMG building management nor the trustees have any responsibility for these third-party services and any issues must be directed to the service provider.
No further internet infrastructure can be added to the building.

The A block pedestrian entrance may be unmanned between midnight to 6am. If you require access and do not have an access tag please report to B block.

Please note that the Trident Security Officers are NOT permitted to:

  • Accept any keys, packages or other items for safekeeping or collection.
  • Enter any flat except in an emergency
  • Accept any tips or gifts from residents*
    (They will be liable for disciplinary action for any transgressions.)
    * If you feel strongly, please give your donation to the Building Manager who will receipt it and it will be shared between the Security Officers at Christmas.

In order to ensure that residents may have “quiet enjoyment” of their homes please note the following important rules:

  • Contractors are only permitted to work on the premises in terms of an approved Application to make Alterations and/or to Redecorate (see Owner’s Information page).
    • Contractors may only work during normal working hours i.e. 08h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) and no demolition, hammering, drilling, sawing, use of power tools or other noisy work may take place between 13h00 and 14:00
  • Drilling and hammering for minor DIY decorative work (e.g. putting up shelves and pictures) is permitted on Saturdays from 9:30 – 12:30.
    Please report any non-compliance to Security or the Building Manager.
  • A four week builders’ shutdown period is applied from mid-December to mid-January during which no building work or noisy D-I-Y work is permitted.

The maximum number of occupants is 2 for a bachelor and 1-bedroom flat, and 4 for a 2-bedroom flat.
However, the trustees may approve short-term visitors in excess of this number (ask the Building Manager for an application form or download from here). Applications must be submitted at least two weeks in advance.
Bicycle parking

Bicycle parking
There are bicycle parking areas in the garages of both blocks. These areas are monitored by security cameras but the Body Corporate is not liable for any damage or losses.

Residents with bicycles may purchase a remote control that will be programmed to give them access to the garage.

Pigeons are serious pests in this area and make an unsightly and unhygienic mess on balconies and windows. Feeding of pigeons is not permitted. (See the Owners’ Information page for more information on how to discourage them.)

Pets are only permitted with consent from your landlord (if a tenant) and the trustees. This may be given if the pet is confined to the section and does not disturb other residents. Download the application form here. Cats and dogs must also be registered with the City of Cape Town.

Moving in and out of the block and deliveries of furniture and other large items may only be done between 08:00 and 18:00 and must be arranged with the Manager in advance. Loading / unloading must be done outside the building: there is no space inside the garages and Security are not permitted to open the doors to allow access to any vehicle. Trolleys are available: please ask Security.

Absolutely no parking is permitted on the premises except in a parking bay that has been allocated to you. Vehicles illegally parked may be clamped and a fine imposed.

Not all flats have parking bays, and the demand far exceeds the supply. As all the parking bays are independently owned, owners are quite entitled to leave their bays empty – however frustrating this may be. The Building Manager keeps a list of people wanting a bay which he makes available on request to owners with bays to rent.

The Body Corporate has a small number of scooter / motor cycle bays available to rent (via the Building Manager).

DSTV and Openview decoders can be connected to the satellite dish on the roof of the building via the distribution point in the flat. The system in each building has a “smart LNB” that is connected via fibre optic cable to each floor, and from there to a gateway unit and splitter which provide both UHF (terrestrial) signal and satellite signal to the sockets in each flat via coaxial cable.

If you have a newer decoder which requires four connections for full functionality then you can request installation of a fibre optic feed to your flat and termination with a gateway unit. Note that this will be for your account. Please see the infrastructure diagram available from the Downloads page

Braais / barbecues are not allowed on balconies or patios – and only in the garden with permission from the trustees.

For further information on other topics, see the Residents’ Guide available from the Downloads page.

Have you seen the African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene) that visits from time to time? It is presumably one of the pair that nests in the Company’s Garden.


If you have any suggestions for additions or corrections, please add them on our Facebook page   social-1